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Showing posts with the label Bananas are a great source of potassium

Alzheimer's disease

  A century ago a German doctor called Alice outside spotted anomalies in brain sections from a patient with dementia.  Ever since people have been studying the strange plaques and tangles he saw in the hope that we could one day on the stand and kill what is now known outside his disease.  Insoluble deposits of a peptide called amyloid-beta A. B.   The phone when approaching.  Because the protein is sequentially clean by 2 and a beta and gamma secretase.  All the molecules are generated by this cleavage and may play a role in the disease but A. B. tech is the main culprit.  ABC tends to miss full become sticky eventually clumping together home saludable all the goodness.  Some of these aggregates into large insoluble fibrils the deposits in the brain plaques.  The.  In several forms of speech.  We don't know exactly which species is toxic research shows that the communication and plasticity sign up.  This could be what stops t...

Neurodegenerative symptoms

 Neurodegenerative symptoms of ASD or other Neurodevelopmental disorders are associated with abnormal brain morphology. We first examined the pattern and location in which these abnormalities occurred based on a survey by Dr. David Risling, head of neurology at Boston Children's Hospital (BCCH) who conducted this study. Glucocerebellar neuropathy is thought to be caused by an enzyme deficiency in the nerve cells of your brain (glioblastoma multiforme). Glioblasts are a type 2 normal cellular organelle that grows over time from damaged or dying cell bodies. One gilded "glub" at the end helps with signal transmission among parts where it can affect memory formation, balance, movement coordination etc.: In this case, loss-of-function causes gliosis.

Oxidized nucleic acids

  Lipid peroxidation consists of the hydroxy radical attack of unsaturated lipids to generate highly reactive secondary products such as reactive carbonyls and reactive aldehydes, which are able to inactivate enzyme active sites overriding their physiological role. Furthermore, oxidized membranes have altered mobility. Aldehyde adducts of protein are common on senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles and are most prominent in cell bodies of vulnerable neurons.  When proteins are oxidized, the peptide bond could be compromised and it can be cleaved. Moreover, reactive carbonyls are frequently generated and also protein nitration, a related phenomenon. All these protein modifications happen prominently in neuronal cell bodies. Lastly, nucleic acids could also be affected by oxidation. ROS can alter both purinic and pyrimidinic bases with mutagenic and even deleterious results. Vulnerable neuronal cell bodies accumulate ostensibly oxidized nucleic acids. Consequently, it is no...

Bananas are a great source of potassium

  Bananas are a great source of potassium, manganese, vitamin C , and fiber, but did you know they can also enhance memory? Studies show eating bananas help students learn more efficiently and improve exam scores. " We believe that the banana is an excellent nutritionally dense food for those trying to stay on top in school," explains Ravi Agarwal-Nagar, chairman at Chakra School in Bombay where three out ten children get their meals free daily from April 11 till March 30. Agarwalson says his team offers classes including math, history (including classics) science class and music with high end audio equipment along side traditional cooking which includes coconut juice as well. The education agency has already launched 24 specialised lesson packages dedicated exclusively towards fruit consumption while another 25 lessons.  Bananas are a great source of potassium, manganese, vitamin C, and fiber, but did you know they can also enhance memory ? Studies show eating bananas help s...