A century ago a German doctor called Alice outside spotted anomalies in brain sections from a patient with dementia. Ever since people have been studying the strange plaques and tangles he saw in the hope that we could one day on the stand and kill what is now known outside his disease. Insoluble deposits of a peptide called amyloid-beta A. B. The phone when approaching. Because the protein is sequentially clean by 2 and a beta and gamma secretase. All the molecules are generated by this cleavage and may play a role in the disease but A. B. tech is the main culprit. ABC tends to miss full become sticky eventually clumping together home saludable all the goodness. Some of these aggregates into large insoluble fibrils the deposits in the brain plaques. The. In several forms of speech. We don't know exactly which species is toxic research shows that the communication and plasticity sign up. This could be what stops t...