I suspected for quite a long while. Not taking as much responsibility losing khakis losing his wallet losing his watch and getting lost when he was going out driving around Italy's it'll signs sort of started went up in my own mind well it was when my husband started to withdraw sort of within himself. He started not wanting to talk to me and he started to withdraw from the children. And to his friends to a degree he started getting very tired he's got a bit early and I thought that was a way of avoiding me I thought that there was a problem with a marriage rather than. That there was something physically wrong with him he was day by day things that started to come undone to begin with little things like not being able to use the taps in the bathroom we thought was a major plumbing problem turned out to be the fact that mother couldn't. Regulate harsh and cold which comes to a little cottage in the middle of the rain forest to. Sort of just have a relaxing time may th...