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Learning makes it easier

 There are various causes of poor memory. Once can be genetic and another can be stress-induced. Stress hormones may also have an effect on the brain, however, this is not known yet. In a recent study led by Professor Eric Ting from Emory University in Atlanta Georgia, it was found that exposure to extreme levels or duration were linked with worse cognitive function. What's more, repeated physical activity has been shown independently predict better retention rates after long term exercise (Mokyr et al., 2009). The researchers measured both motor skills and visuospatial abilities using functional magnetic resonance imaging which showed increased activation as people performed one task over time; such results suggest improved performance following longer periods for testing when working out than while exercising alone. 

Stress also affects the timing of exposure to drugs, while learning makes it easier for your brain processes information with more clarity. That said - we still have no evidence that you should stay away from caffeine during pregnancy or birth because this will certainly affect what kinds (and how much) cognitive development occurs in all stages of life until our toddler years.
